Photoscaling Decision Maker available

The LIFE Photoscaling Decision Maker shown at Project Final Workshop is available in this link.


From the analysis carried out on the behaviour of the different materials in the platforms and the results obtained in the laboratory tests related to the relevant aspects, 3 main indicators have been recognized:

1) Photocatalytic Performance Efficiency (PPE)

2) Intrinsic performance (IP)

3) Undesired Secondary Effects (USE)

Within each of these three indicators, several sub-indicators have been identified. For each of the indicators, those are:

1: Photocatalytic Performance Efficiency (PPE)

    • 1-1:  Band gap (eV)
    • 1-2:  Initial efficiency NOx (ISO 22197-1:2007); RNOx (%)
    • 1-3: Adherence to the substrate
    • 1.4: Carbonation

2: Intrinsic performance (IP)

    • 2-1: Slippery:

3: Undesired Secondary Effects (USE)

    • 3-1: Leaching of Ti (2 methods)
    • 3-2: Nanoparticles emission as airborne
    • 3-3: Selectivity to NO3

In order to make the scoring of the products, each sub-indicator has been classified in four categories, divided according to an incremental favorable significance. For each sub-indicator, the worst category has been assigned 1 point, 2 for the medium one, 3 points for the following and 4 points for the more favorable results of the method.  Additionally, if the value obtained in one of the tests is considered that makes the product not feasible to be installed in the street, a 0 has been assigned.  If a product has been given a 0 in any of the sub-indicators, that product is rejected.


Within each group of indicators, it possible to assign different weighs to the different sub-indicators if it is considered that one of them has to count more in the final score for the indicator. As a first step, the sum of the points of the different sub-indicators corresponding to each indicator is divided by the total points available for that indicator; that gives the score/indicator. For example a material having the maximum punctuation (6 points for a total of 6) will have “100%” for that indicator.

Then, the score/indicator is multiplied by a factor of importance, I.F., that depends on the weight that the indicator is considered to have.  

A summary of the indicators, sub-indicators and ranges for scoring is given in the following table:


A summary of the Importance factor for indicators and subindicators is given in the following table:

We want your help in defining ranges and IF for the Photoscaling Decision Maker .  Please, give your comments below or sent us an email at (tell us your name, surname, institution and email).

Una respuesta a “Photoscaling Decision Maker available”

  1. perfect

    thank you for a very good article

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