LIFE PhotoScaling in Madri+d

LIFE PhotoScaling in Madri+d

The LIFE PhotoScaling Project has been mentioned by the madri+d foundation. The whole text can be found in this link.

New trial in Madrid with Tronox CristalACTiV™ product proved the efficiency of the photocatalytic concept to decrease pollution

New trial in Madrid with Tronox CristalACTiV™ product proved the efficiency of the photocatalytic concept to decrease pollution

TRONOX has published a newspaper article which can be read in this link.

[Video] LIFE Photoscaling Project

[Video] LIFE Photoscaling Project

Video (English)   Vídeo (Español)        

ISCMA Group interviewed in the “First National Congress of Photocatalysis”

ISCMA Group interviewed in the “First National Congress of Photocatalysis”

Radio 5, from Radio Televisión Española (RTVE) interviewd ISCMA Group in the “First National Congress of Photocatalysis” celebrated the last 27th November. This interview can be listening in the link below. Fotocatálisis para mejorar la calidad de vida

LIFE-PhotoScaling Team presents new photocatalytic advances in the “First National Congress of Photocatalysis” organized by Asociación Ibérica de la Fotocatálisis

LIFE-PhotoScaling Team presents new photocatalytic advances in the “First National Congress of Photocatalysis” organized by Asociación Ibérica de la Fotocatálisis

Part of the LIFE-PhotoScaling Team, from the Group ISCMA, in the Institute for the Construction Science Eduardo Torroja (CSIC) presents new photocatalytic advances in the “I Congreso Nacional de Fotocatálisis (First National Congress of Photocatalysis)” organized by the Asociación Ibérica de la Fotocatálisis (   See the whole program in this link.     Later, Marta Castellote has presented the LIFE PhotoScalng project with the […]

I Congreso Nacional Fotocatálisis – 27 de Noviembre de 2019 en el Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

I Congreso Nacional Fotocatálisis – 27 de Noviembre de 2019 en el Instituto de la Ingeniería de España

We are pleased to announce that next November 27th will be celebrated the First National Convention of Photocatalysis. All the activities are described in this document. See the whole text below: El próximo 27 de noviembre tendrá lugar, en el Instituto de la Ingeniería de España (calle General Arrando 38, Madrid), el I Congreso Nacional de Fotocatálisis; un encuentro de profesionales del urbanismo, arquitectura, ingeniería, […]

Layman’s Report

Layman’s Report

By clicking in the image below you can check out the Layman’s Report of the LIFE PhotoScaling Project.

Eva Jiménez presents LIFE PhotoScaling at NANOCEM Consortium Autumn events 2019

Eva Jiménez presents LIFE PhotoScaling at NANOCEM Consortium Autumn events 2019

Eva Jiménez has presented LIFE PhostoScaling Project at NANOCEM Consortium Autumn events 2019 in Paris (France) the days October 21-24, 2019. A poster with information about the project can be checked here and the programme with the whole information about these four days can be seen in this link.    

Photoscaling Decision Maker available

Photoscaling Decision Maker available

The LIFE Photoscaling Decision Maker shown at Project Final Workshop is available in this link.   From the analysis carried out on the behaviour of the different materials in the platforms and the results obtained in the laboratory tests related to the relevant aspects, 3 main indicators have been recognized: 1) Photocatalytic Performance Efficiency (PPE) 2) Intrinsic performance (IP) 3) Undesired Secondary Effects (USE) Within […]

(Videos) All the Project Final Workshop Presentations

(Videos) All the Project Final Workshop Presentations

Marta Castellote (Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción – CSIC), Natalia Alonso (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica), José Miguel Baena (Conservación de Vías Públicas e Infraestructuras Públicas del Ayuntamiento de Madrid) y Ángel Castillo (Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción – CSIC) · “Apertura de la Jornada. Bienvenida y presentación”: Andrea Folli (Cardiff University) · “Perspectivas de la fotocatálisis en construcción”: […]